Judicious Inc 1000 Tree Challenge

The Judicious, Inc. 1,000 Tree Challenge

By Sean Work, Founder of Judicious, Inc.

Last night my side gate wasn’t latched and it kept banging around in the wind. I hate getting out of bed in the middle of the night to go close the gate. It’s a rude awakening, to say the least. No choice, though. I know if I don’t go out and close it, it’s going to keep me up all night.

When I opened the front door to go outside the air temperature was warmer than inside my house.

Last night was January 15, 2021.

record breaking irvine california temperature january 15 2021

It was 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.6 degrees Celsius).

Although I do live in Southern California, January is supposed to be cool. We’ll occasionally get January nights that dip below freezing, but usually it’s somewhere in the 50s at night. There can be freakishly warm days in January once in a while – but this night was a record-breaker.

Last summer my family and I left town twice because of the brush fires in the hills east of my home. I never had to do that in my life until 2020. It appears things are changing so I’d like to help out.

Help Through Reforestation

Trees take in carbon dioxide to grow which is a great way to reverse human-created CO2 emissions. They also help prevent landslides, improve soil conditions, and revitalize local ecosystems. It’s really important work that needs to be done.

In 2019 we donated $100 to One Tree Planted. With that $100 we had 100 trees planted. There wasn’t much thought to it, it just seemed like a worthy cause and if you visualize a grove of 100 trees, well, it’s a lot of trees!

This year, we’re going to donate $1,000 to get 1,000 trees planted. 10x-ing things is a good growth habit to get into so we feel it’s good for our culture and morale.

But we want to take it even further. We’re looking for 10 companies to match our donation to One Tree Planted. The goal is to get 10,000 trees planted in 2021.

Our goal feels doable. But we need your help.

How It’s Going To Go Down

Judicious, Inc. is going to make a few donations to One Tree Planted throughout the year and upload the receipts to this post. We’re going to put our money where our content lives :).

Any company that would like to join this challenge will have to send proof to me, Sean Work (Founder of Judicious, Inc.). We’ll post receipts and/or confirmation email screenshots to this post.

The goal is to hit a combined 10,000 trees by midnight, December 31st, 2021.

We’ll continue to update this post and write update posts throughout the year. Every company that joins the challenge may submit a logo, company information, a blurb about the challenge and will be promoted on social media throughout the year.

I hope this post will be like that banging gate you can’t ignore.

Donations to One Tree Planted are tax-deductible.

How To Join The Challenge

Please enter your contact information below:

I’ll reach out to you by phone or email to get you started. Thank you so much for reading this post. Please spread and share!

Participating Companies

  1. Judicious, Inc. (goal complete!)
  2. Rise Vision (goal complete!)
  3. DRE Defense Lawyer (committed)
  4. BeSmartee (expressed interest)
  5. The Junkluggers (expressed interest)
  6. Social Currency (donated)

Participating Individuals

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