"Don't forget to fill out your title tags!"

- J. Toman, Designer at Razorfish, March 1999

That was the very first SEO lesson our founder learned back in 1999.

To this very day, that tiny piece of advice is as important as it was then, but some pretty large companies still forget it. For some companies, a quick 15-second fix to their homepage title tag can improve their organic search performance from being rarely found in Google to having customers come by every few seconds.

For most sites, fixing a title tag is an incredibly easy fix. One could say it's the "lowest hanging fruit" there is. How could such an important online business lever be so regularly overlooked?

Remember, Google forgot to renew their own domain name in 2015.*

Yes, Google, one of the biggest corporations on earth, the effective "controller" of the Internet. How did they mess that up?

We believe these oversights occur because of the lack of a certain Internet professional – the webmaster. In the past, the webmaster's job was to make sure a website was always in tip-top shape. They lived inside the website every day, checking on every page and every link. They made sure every change, new webpage, and site update rolled out smoothly and error-free. They were the site gatekeeper. Nothing slipped past them because it was their job.

Good SEO is simply good webmastering. It involves looking at every title tag, meta description, link, user experience, and site content. It's an extremely thorough and tedious process (hence our name 😉), and we haven't met an outfit yet that does SEO as carefully as we do.

search engine optimization service

Let us look through your site judiciously.

People need regular checkups. Similarly, websites can get sick. When a site gets sick, just like a human, its performance begins to suffer. It's a good idea to give your site an SEO checkup every year. We can identify problems before they become serious and instruct your team on how to correct them before disaster strikes.