life coach tips with barb flowers

An Interview With Barb Flowers: Time Management Tips & Work-Life Balance for Professionals

We recently met Barb Flowers, a life coach who consults professionals on how to get their you-know-what together. At Judicious, Inc. we believe that coaching is one of the most potent drivers for small business success. Read Barb’s tips below and if you think you need her help, you can find her contact info at the bottom of this post.

Tell us about what you do.

As a life coach specializing in work-life balance and time management for professionals, I help clients optimize their productivity while maintaining overall life satisfaction. My approach combines cognitive behavioral techniques, productivity strategies, and personalized coaching to address each client’s unique challenges. I work with a diverse range of professionals, from attorneys to teachers, helping them align their daily activities with their long-term goals and values.

What are some of your best time management tips for solopreneurs, attorneys and people who run 1-person businesses?


On Monday sit down and make a list of everything that needs to get done that week. Then, schedule everything using time blocking. Allocate specific time slots for different tasks, including administrative work, client meetings, and personal time.

Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. Set clear boundaries between work and personal time. Establish dedicated work hours and stick to them to prevent burnout. Throughout the week regularly review and adjust your schedule. Conduct weekly reviews to assess progress and make necessary adjustments.

What’s the number 1 mistake you see most people make when it comes to managing their time?

The biggest mistake is not following through with planned tasks due to momentary discomfort or stress. This often stems from a lack of self-discipline or poor habit formation. To overcome this, I recommend to start small and begin with easily achievable tasks to build momentum and confidence.

Learn to recognize and manage the discomfort associated with challenging tasks. Use accountability partners or tools. This could be a colleague or me as your coach! Regularly remind yourself of the positive outcomes that result from consistent task completion.

how to complete tasks

I know you’re big on mindset. What mindset change do you focus on to improve your clients’ success?

I focus on shifting clients’ self-perception and identity. This process involves identifying their limiting beliefs and challenging negative self-talk. Clients say things like “I’m bad at time management” or “ I never follow through” Instead say things like “I’m learning and improving my time management skills” and “I am capable of following through.” I also have clients create a “2.0 version”. They have to envision their ideal self, detailing desired habits, characteristics, and achievements. Then, we develop actionable steps to transition from the current self to the aspirational self.

Can you tell us a success story? What was the issue(s) and how did you solve it?

I was working with a client who was an attorney on time management. Each day she was not meeting her billable hours. I focused on helping her change her thoughts about herself, we created systems for time blocking, prioritizing cases, and scheduling. This helped her to become more productive and start getting her billable hours daily.

What are some good book recommendations (and why)?

I love the book, “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza is an excellent read. It explores the neuroscience behind personal transformation and provides practical strategies for rewiring thought patterns to achieve desired changes in behavior and outcomes. The book combines scientific research with actionable exercises, making it particularly valuable for those looking to make significant life changes.

Where can people find you online?

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