Keyword Analysis Service

Which keywords are going to bring you the BEST traffic?

Some keywords are really popular, like 1 million searches a month popular.

And some keywords that you use to describe what you do for your clients may get…no searches.

That's why keyword analysis is really important. And it's a critical part of search engine optimization.

Before we optimize any website, we conduct thorough keyword research to find the following:

• Keywords our client can potentially rank for (not all keywords are realistic to optimize for).

• Keywords that attract the kind of traffic likely to convert into real business.

• Keywords our client hasn’t thought of.


What does keyword analysis unveil?

Going through a keyword analysis is an eye-opening experience for our clients. They learn a lot about what their customers are looking for and what they're not looking for. Here are a few things they learn that they find valuable:

• How many people search for specific words and phrases per month on Google.

• Which services the client offers are popular and which ones are not.

• How competitive a keyword is in Google and on Google Ads (and how expensive it is to bid on).

If you would like to have Judicious, Inc. conduct a thorough keyword analysis of your website, please schedule a time to talk below.